Friday, May 6, 2011

wild ride--saga 1

I am going to try and pour myself out and this little journey that I am on and continue to be somewhat vague as to not intrude on the privacy of others.  Where have I been?  What's going on?
1) I still do not have a kitchen from a January kitchen fire.  Jay was getting ready to cook hot wings and left the dad gum oil on the stove and came outside...thus a house fire.  We have FINALLY put a down payment on cabinets and are on the way to getting our kitchen put back together.  I am excited about it and can't wait for the final product!!  lesson learned: you must be a wonderful and efficient project organizer to be a contractor.
2) I have recently dropped my position as women's ministry leader at Innerchange.  I am very sad about it.  it is my passion and joy to have an audience to teach the most important thing in my life and that is my absolute passion for Christ.  He is my first and most important love of my life!  I hope and pray that the Lord will open larger doors or any door for me to continue my journey in teaching His Word.  Lesson learned: to be a parent, boss, or leader, you must be there and be available to do it well.  
3) I am traveling more for Rusk.  I have the privilege to teach another passion of mine which is hair cutting and coloring.  There have been some parts I enjoy more than others but I look forward to the years ahead with this innovative and edgy company.  I have been to New Orleans (my second home) and Tampa and KY  just to name a few places.  It's been nice to get on the road again, it had been a while and I really enjoy traveling. lesson learned: don't trust people you don't know and everyone doesn't love you or want to give you a chance when they first meet you but always honor God and do your best
4) I am trying to be at home more.  I feel like the Lord is prompting me to get home and take care of my family.  I must take back over our food/diet and make sure that my home is clean and organized.  I want to get my rooms put together the way I have it in my head.  I want to teach my children new house skills every year and this year I want to sew some with Nyah and teach Nautas to wash dishes and teach Hammy to do laundry (he has already washed his bear by himself and he loves to do it!).  lesson learned (ing): that God will not allow me to let my family down by gently reminding me to step back up to the plate there! (looking forward to what He has in mind)
5) I will have been married for 7 yrs this June.  It has been a heck of a ride and currently we are in a hard place.  There are many pressures on a family of five and especially the adults.  My plan when we got married was to build things; a family, businesses, ministry, home, life and adventure.  Well, I feel like as we build there is a destroyer coming behind and sabotaging (deliberately or not) all things amazing and I am calling the bluff. lesson learned: people will treat you the way that you let them, in your mercy and compassion set your boundaries firmly.
6) I am working on my business plan for my salon #1 and should have it completed by this summer.  I have a ton of plans and am excited about what will unfold in the coming months for my salon.  I am in the process of getting a book published and want to begin on book #2 as well as send in some other things that I have written to my agent. lesson learned: patience, diligence, hard work pays off and when God is at the helm, it's an amazing ride!!

So here is a small update at what my life is like and I am looking forward to the days ahead to continue this wild ride that is Stephanie's life....