On July 31, four days after visiting a friend, she texted me that her son and she had gotten positive tests for Covid. I was at dinner with 6 friends. I texted Ken to let him know the kids needed to stay at the house and I put my mask on my face. Fortunately, only one of the six friends ended up catching this wretched virus. She's fine. We all made it! I am sharing my journey to chronicle it for myself as well as share with those of you who may tune in to my thoughts closet.
Saturday, August 1, I started feeling a little tired and groggy. I have those days sometimes, so nothing stood out specifically. Sunday, I stayed at home from church because I knew we had been exposed and now needed to know if we were sick. It was another day in bed but my hips were on fire!! They burned so badly! Nothing helped but standing up and it came in waves. That night, into Sunday morning, about 4 am, my hips were burning so badly that I had to pace my house for the next hour. The lack of sleep started to play into my feeling worse. On Monday, I had my daughter drive me to the urgent care so that I could get a test for Covid. I was a little too dizzy and tired to drive myself. I was supposed to go back to work from a week of vacation on Tuesday and I didn't want to go if I was sick with Covid. I work with the public and I knew that I couldn't go if I had a positive test. The nurse doing th test said that if it was positive, "Good luck and go to the ER if I couldn't breathe." What kind of health care is that?? I received a text shortly after that said my test was positive. And the journey began.
To be honest, I thought I'd just be bored for the next two weeks. I was expecting to have a fever and feel puny, but not lose two weeks of my life.
Originally written 9/9/21
Update: March 1,2023
I don't even remember writing this. So clearly my brains had not fully returned. I ended up being quite beat up by Covid. my oxygen was at 80 for nearly a full week!! I couldn't even raise my hands to my head. I am grateful that I survived and was able to fully heal. My hair fell out in mass amounts. It looked like I had had chemo. I ended cutting all my hair off and pleading the blood of Jesus over all of my follicles! My hair grew back, though it took about a year, and it came back super super curly!