Have you ever noticed how we get excited over things that are new? A new car, a new job. A new baby in the family or in our case...13 puppies! A new relationship, a new friend, a new marriage. We love things that are new. Here we are on the brink of a New Year!! 2011! Newness always seems to inspire the best in us. New hopes, new dreams, new wishes!!
I have tons of things that I intend on writing down this new day for this new year to keep me inspired. See, that's the thing about newness, nothing stays new forever. Everything in your life will become old if it is there for too long. I think that is why I am one who loves change so much. Change offers the ability to keep things new always. I need things to be new. I think we all need things to be new. New water brings life, stagnant water makes disease.
Sometimes change is super scary for people. So why do all people seem to be drawn to newness when it really propels some sense of change? I think because without change life seems to end. When we become believers in Christ the Bible says He has made all things new. We are told that we have been REborn, so we are new again. A sinner desperately needs this newness to know that all things are possible with Christ and that "old things have passed away and all things have become new" so that we can let go and move forward. I think that is why we are drawn to the New Year, old things have gone and the new is here. The New Year gives a sense of freshness and an opportunity to start over.
So let's change together and look forward to new!
I'm excited about THE NEW YEAR! 2011
Happy New Year, Steph!