Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fasting and Recipes

I am currently doing a 40 day fast.  I am participating in a cooperate fast with my church.  My fast includes a liquid only diet and no TV.  I had come to use TV as a brain waster and so it was time to say good-bye for a little while.  My need to fast is to come closer to God by with holding.  As I become weaker, He becomes stronger.  So I am hungry for Him and need Him alone.  Every fast I have ever done has opened major awesome things in the spirit realm, so I am excited to see what this one brings.
My plan is to share the recipes that I am using for my fast so that others might be inspired to fast as well.  My liquid fast includes any thing that does not require teeth to chew (and believe me....teeth were created to chew!!)  
My first recipe was  This is a yummy soup.  The first night I ate it, I just mashed the potatoes in the soup and ate it.  Jay pureed the left over ingredients; chicken and potatoes and broth, and then I took it for lunch today.
It's quite yummy!
I have also eaten potato soup and yogurt and peanut butter as a snack.  Jay has made me a smoothie each day with fruits as well.  I intend on adding flax seed and yogurt to my smoothies.
I'll let you know the next recipe I try.
If you would like to join me in this fast, we can do it together and prepare recipes together.

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