I haven't had the internet at my house for a while and I haven't had time to do this at work (yea for business) and even more recently I haven't had 2 brain cells to rub together!! Truly my head has been completely shoved up my hiney..so if I have hurt your feelings, I am very sorry.
So my journey for the last 8 months has been prophecy being fulfilled in my life. I'll start at the beginning:
Feb of 2004 I was taking a weekend Bible class and we were studying where God gives Israel a new name and she would be called married. God told me that my new name would be Jordan and that Jay would always see me as a bride and never a wife and that he would always fight for me. I prayed for 3 signs and received all of them. June 30, 2004, Jay and I got married. We honeymooned at Cornerstone in Illinois and then we put on a free show in Brother Bryan Park 3 weeks later. I became pregnant with Nyah at that same time. September of 2004 my back went out completely. I was bed ridden for a week...a very long exhausting week. October 2004 I had a trip planned with our RIOT (the ministry that J and I had for punks/drug addicts/ hardcore kids/ prostitutes/and the super cool peeps that supported us by coming every week) crew to go to Deliverance Bible Church in Hurst, TX. At the conference I was laying in the back of the room because my back was still extremely wimpy and the Lord said to me, "Why would you quit having children when they are going to be powerful soldiers for me?" I said, "Because I don't want anymore." (In a whiny voice) Four months later, in Feb 2005, I went to a divine appointment. I tried one church..it was closed, the next one was like a geriatric festival, so I went to a third one. The preacher had an ok service, but nothing wonderful. After the service he laid out 2 women with arthritis and then he got a hold of the lady with the modesty covering...I was sitting in the back of the church cynically thinking, "Great...here we go..the Pentecostal hoedown." The preacher walks all the way into the back of the church, I was on the last row, and asks me my name. He asked me to come out in to the aisle and boy, he had me pegged!! He knew that I had been dreaming dreams, not a big deal right? He knew that I had been writing them down (which I had just done) and then he began to talk about my heart to reach the unchurched and he apologized on the behalf of the church for their short sightedness...it was flooring and amazing and I was weeping pretty good by this point. He then says,"I see a child...do you have children?" I said," I'm pregnant with one and I have one in the nursery," He said," You have a double dose in there. Your children are going to be very powerful for God." Total confirmation of what I had felt God say to me 4 months earlier. He then told me that I would have a physical move in the next year...he didn't know what it was, but GO, because it was set up for me. A year to the month, Feb 2006, I moved from the salon I was at in Southside to the salon in Vestavia with a burning desire to own my own salon.
In Feb 2007, the Lord told me that I would have a son before I got the shop. I told my husband and he asked if I was pregnant...I told him, "no." 3 weeks later the Lord told me to name him Hammuel and then a week later I found out that I was pregnant. Of course, so many people don't believe that the Lord speaks to people (even if the do believe in HIm and say they follow HIm...they still don't believe that He talks to people), so often times people would ask me what I was going to do if it was a girl. Well, here Hammuel is a 4 yr old super fun little dude. He was born in Nov of 2007. Back to the journey...for the next few years I just worked and watched all the insanity that was going on around me. I was hanging on the promise that God had given me.
In the spring of 2009, the Lord told me that I would get the salon in June. That June, the owner who had had the salon for many years, had to relinquish the salon to the owners of the building. I was going to get the shop!! FINALLY!! I called the landlords and told them that I was ready to get the shop. They told me that they weren't going to lease the salon because their daughter wanted to run it. I was confused and angry. I didn't understand how in the world I was going to get the salon. I knew I could take it from someone who was leasing it, but I didn't know how I was going to take it from the owners of the building. A month in to the new ownership, the Lord told me that they would never be successful enough to keep it. I had no idea how that was going to play out, but it was amazing. In Dec of 2010, I was about ready to walk away! I was so angry and so mad and felt defeated. I went to a weekend Beth Moore event and on the first night the Lord asked me," Why are you striving so hard? You're angry because you are trying to do this on your own and I'm not in it." That changed my whole attitude. I was totally free and I just continued to do my thing. In May of 2010, the owners gave us letters that said that they would be closing the salon down July 2. We had 30 days to find a new place. I talked to them about wanting to get the shop and the owners basically told me that it was never going to happen because frankly, they didn't like me very much.
The owners had no leasers and I made an offer...they took it. I signed the lease in June 2010. I took over July 1, 2011. I was going to have to find some new space because I only had that location til Dec 2011. I was trying for a while to move into Vestavia City Center...even though every time I mentioned it, I felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit not to do it..I kept pressing. They refused me saying that they thought I would bring in "undesirable" clientele. I kept looking and found a beautiful space in Homewood. The Lord encouraged me to bless those who curse me...boy do I understand. Jan 2, 2012 birthed Beauty for Ashes Salon and Colorbar. My prophecy that you are reading being fulfilled in my life. It has been an amazing, frustrating, tantalizing journey.
I can't wait to see what He has planned with the rest of this journey...sneak peak...I'm anticipating the arrival of a Rebeka Calvary Jan of 2013. Stay tuned.....this story, these chronicles, are in the making!
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