Tuesday, March 13, 2012

People Let you Down

I have been perplexed for a while on all the many ways people can let you down.  It seems almost that no matter which way you turn, no matter how desperate you are or how absolutely on top of the mountain you are, people do not do what you want them to do or they just straight up let you down.
The people in my life that have let me down are countless.  My parents, my friends, my church, my boyfriends, my husbands, my children...but then I think to myself, how many people have I let down?
I am not thoughtful.  I am not one to send cards and scream Happy Birthday from the mountaintops.  I have let my parents down, my friends, my church, my boyfriends, my husbands, and my children.
The name of this game is forgiveness. Letting people let you down without you holding it against them is one of the hardest things to do.  One of my favorite lines in a book I read is, "Love is the grace to be and the room to become."  I am working on that with my husband in particular.  I used to hate people for letting me down, and to be honest, it is still hard.  Sometimes harder to get over than others, and those times I can viciously attack in my mind....who will inevitably play tricks on me and make things more blown out of proportion than they are.  Reigning in my mind is always a journey, but a necessary one.  My mind is what, after all, that allows me to let others down; being selfish and self centered.  I seek to no longer allow myself to let others let me down and just know that they are on their own journey of seeking life and walking through and they aren't particularly interested in whether I feel let down by them. I want grace to soak my mind like a wet sponge so that I never want to walk away from others...regardless of it they let me down.

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