Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Love worth having

I went to a Bible study last week and we were discussing the book of Revelation.  I had a light bulb moment!! A true OH MY GOODNESS THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE MOMENT! My last post was about "ride or die" relationships and how I have always had a thing, an attraction, to them.  I never really understood why that was but my "ah-ha!" moment solidified that it was deception and crappy mimicking of truth.
Throughout the Bible, we Christians are referred to as the "bride of Christ" and he, the groom. An imagery of a perfect relationship.  The "ride or die" relationship.  Sticking it out through thick and thin in the name of love.  The perfect relationship.  No matter how unfaithful the bride is, the groom always comes to rescue her.  For love. The perfect unblemished love.  A redeeming and holy love that is really hard for us to wrap our finite minds around. So why all the divorce and corruption in marriage?
AH-HA! Of course….Satan! How did I overlook it??? He has always wanted to be God and since he can't be and isn't, he has nothing left than to be second fiddle, pseudo creator, a twisted mimicker. In Revelation, we are introduced to the anti-Christ and his Babylon.  The sickness of co-dependency.  He needs her.  She needs him. He loathes her and her beautiful seductress ways to the point of destruction. He destroys her. Sound familiar? Well, it does to me!! I have been in that relationship more times than I could have imagined.  The "ride or die" that almost kills you.  The sick mindset that somehow you can love him/her enough to change/help them.  The twisted idea that love is wrapped in sex and lust and somehow it will fulfill, yet at the end of the day we are just as empty as we started. Destroyed. Again. Divorce. Adultery. Shame. Heartbroken. Farther and farther away from the truth that there is a love that isn't sick and that won't corrupt, but a love that is redeeming and fresh.  I see it a lot.  People clinging on to relationships so they won't be alone, because they've already given everything they have, because it seems comfortable.  So many reasons that people are losing hope in a genuinely safe love.  Where are all the good men? Why are all the women crazy? These are the questions I hear seeking hearts ask quite often. Corruption of true love is the answer to those questions.  There is a better answer…
JESUS! He is a redeeming, self sacrificing, forgiving, gracious, merciful, compassionate, honorable, trustworthy partner! He will never leave you with the feeling of being taken advantage of. He is safe to give your all to and fully give in.  It is THE SCARIEST thing to do when all you have ever known is the corruption of a false love and it has wrecked your heart.  See, the goal is to wreck your heart.  Destroy you! Make you feel as though love is unattainable so that you will continue to fall helplessly down the rabbit hole of deception instead into the arms of redemption. It is safe to fall into Christ.  You can trust.  Cannoli! TRUST! That may currently be the scariest term for any person I know.
You are not doomed to a sick co-dependent relationship because Jesus did the work on the cross to prove it.  He died that you may live.  So live in love by walking in His ways and let yourself be loved by Him. Let your heart be redeemed by a genuine and truly deep love that is safe.  Your heart will thank you. JESUS!

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