Monday, February 1, 2021

Everything flows from the spirit to the natural and back to the spirit!

         Today I spent some time writing and I had an aha moment that I am still just flabbergasted by! I think that I could teach a years worth of revelations by the time I finish this book. Hopefully, I will get the chance to do something along those lines but for now, I will share in my humble little unknown blog post space. 

        If you have ever been around me any length of time, surely you have heard me say that everything starts in the spirit, plays out in the natural and ends in the spirit. You can take anything. Our lives. Our very births. We were in the spirit before God began to form our physical bodies in our mother's womb and when we die, we will be spiritual beings again. Our spirit is the only part of us that is eternal. Spirit, natural, spirit.

        Addiction is another example. Typically, addiction starts with a trauma or some issue that the person has been violated. These types of situations open us up to have our minds played with by demonic forces. Once we are outside of the womb, we are vulnerable to the evil forces in the world. So when the trauma or violation happens, if we do not have spiritual protection, our spirits can become weak and then once we hit a certain age, we will begin to numb the pain on the inside. It often starts as a good time. Having fun with friends but then...then the spirit is captured by the spirit of addiction. Once this happens, there is a shift in the person. It is like they are possessed, and well, they are. They are possessed by the spirit of addiction. It often takes years and years and years before healing begins at a certain level. Some never make it. So we have the trauma, which affects the spirit. Then the addiction that is playing out in the flesh. Then we have recovery or death, which go back to the spirit. Death is obviously a spiritual principle. What about recovery? How is that spiritual? I bet you can ask 100% of recovered addicts if they had to acknowledge something greater than themselves has control of this crazy thing we call life and they would answer yes. Recovery is a constant search for uprooting the trauma or violation and then recognizing you don't have control and that you can release the trauma or violation. Spirit, natural, spirit.

        Marital affairs are the same principle. In my experience, there isn't anyone that has had an affair that didn't start with an insecurity that the Devil played on. The spiritual issue is the insecurity brought on by many reasons. Maybe it was bullying in high school and then the person becomes successful, but in their heart, they are always still less than and there is no such thing as enough. Maybe it's the pride that needs to constantly be fed. Maybe it's neglect from a spouse. There is always an open door if we aren't protected by the Holy Spirit!! So the thoughts begin. It may take years before someone gives in. The conscience is a powerful force and will usually do it's best to guard the mind gate. Unfortunately, it's more like a fence than a stronghold. Fences can be overcome. Eventually, if the other party is enticing enough or the person is just in a low place, compromise happens. This is when the spiritual insecurity or spiritual issue is being played out in the flesh. To rectify this issue, there is always a wake of damage in sin. There will be a divorce or a broken marriage that is fighting for everything it has. To forgive that kind of a slight, that kind of betrayal, it takes a power greater than yourself. Spirit, nautral, spirit. 

        There are plenty of examples in life. These are just a few that I think people can see the strong connection to. Marriage, children, hobbies, written books, suicide, abortion...there are so many things because everything starts in the spirit, plays out in the natural and ends in the spirit. 

    The cross is another great example. Jesus came to bring us redemption. The cross started long before it actually happened. It was prophesied throughout the Old Testament multiple times.  The Holy Spirit had revealed it over and over again long before it ever happened. Then Jesus was born and lived here on earth. Then he sacrificed himself for the redemption of all human kind. I could give so many examples in the Bible of spirit, natural, spirit. But the MAN of Jesus is where I got derailed today in this most beautiful revelation. 

        Jesus. My mind was absolutely blown when I realized today that he, himself, is the epitome of spirit, natural, spirit. See, Jesus was The Word of God. He was in the very beginning at creation and all throughout. He was long before he was. Being The Word of God made him so active on this earth. It was by Word that all of this was established. Then HE CAME HERE! He didn't come IN spirit form!! He CAME AS MAN!! AS A BABY NONE THE LESS!! Like...he was BIRTHED just like all spirit principles are!!! He came in human form to play out that everything that happens starts in the spirit and plays out in the natural and then ends in the spirit. Because Satan defied God and was sent here, he has the ability to mess with the natural though he doesn't have the ability to BECOME natural. That is reserved for THE CREATOR! That is reserved for The Trinity alone!! Satan has no actual power. He only has deception. If he can deceive, he can corrupt, so JESUS CAME in human form to be able to wreck the spirit world. See, if the principle is spirit, natural, spirit, then Jesus HAD to come to stay within the bounds of the principle. If he had usurped that principle, then he would've changed the dynamic for us as humans. Instead, he honored what He as THE WORD had set into place. He held the boundaries!! 

        It get BETTER!! THEN HE DIED!!!!!!!!! It's the BEST FREAKIN' NEWS ON THE PLANET...HECK IN ALL OF EXISTENCE!! Because what he did, allowed him to defeat the spirit principle of Death and Hades!! That's why the Bible says,"O Death, where is your sting?!" Because prior to Jesus coming and defeating that spiritual principle, we were so subject to it without any hope and confidence of what it held for us. Because Jesus left his natural body the SAME way we leave the body, he opened a place for us that had never been available and never opened before!! Now he is SPIRIT again. Our advocate in the heavenlies. He completely understands our prones and he understands what we face in truest form so that we have our greatest advocate in the spirit! So when we become spirit again, we have our advocate right there with us. 

        Jesus, the God head, man, advocate, brother, Son of God, is the epitome of Spirit playing out in the natural and returning to spirit. I am just in awe and so humbled by this revelation. 

If you'd like to have a conversation about this, I'd be happy to do so. If you would like to work on anything in your life, that is playing out in the natural and you are struggling with it, please let me know. IF I feel it is out of my realm of conversation, I will be glad to point you in the direction of someone who may can help.