Sunday, February 12, 2012

Political goes!!

Our government was never meant to take care of us, sustain us or regulate us! It was never supposed to be bigger than us to the point it can violate our personal space and family.  I am sickened at how the government can come in and take your children and not even have to offer an explanation before you are jumping through firey hoops to get them back.  I don't think the government should have the power to take your land to build a road on it...isn't that the point of buying the own it!  But if it serves the "greater good" they just seize it...WHAT??  They can put you in jail if your kids miss too many days of school....oh now that's an asinine your kids will be taken care of how?  Maybe they should have different options like staggering hours for people who work night shifts or late hours...or people like us who just think 7 am is a ridiculously early hour.  Putting someone in jail is effective for who exactly?  JACKASSES!

Rid of slavery...are you kidding me?? The government just shifted slavery from private owned to government owned.  Oh yes, I'm sure I'll piss some people off here, but if you are dependent on the government to take care of are a slave to them.  If they pay your paycheck or help you get food in your fridge, you are their slave.  You can't make too much money cause they will take theirs from you, but you can't support the needs of your family on what you could get paid.  The government employees corrupt the system and the higher ups make their pocketbooks bottomless, but min wage stays at a low enough rate that a mom couldn't support her family on and dad certainly couldn't take care of his family and let his wife stay home.  Then the mom might home school and then the government wouldn't be able to be up in the family business to get a foothold if they wanted to come in and take the children.  The vortex goes on and on!!  But the government keeps the tax rate so dad gum high that the average small business owner can't afford to hire more employees even if they have positions to fill so min wage is low, taxes are high and  everyone is just saying "OK."
The next slavery issue is prescription meds...foolishness!!  If they can't pacify you with giving money for nothing, then they will try to pacify you with meds.  This whole "zombie apocalypse" isn't about dead people who are brainless...its about live people who are brainless on drugs.  People who are so distracted by their own need to fill they can't see past their own issue or face long enough to make a difference.  Most of my friends have suffered drug addiction and its the worst thing in the world.  Totally all consuming.
Now, I am not a conspiracy theorist and I don't have the idea that everything is the government's fault.  I think that living in mass amounts of debt is personal responsibility and that you have made yourself a slave to those that you owe.  I think debt is irresponsible spoiled childlike behavior and is a huge problem in this country.  I also believe that drug addiction is personal if you think I am a hypocrite, let me clarify.  I think that the government allows so many pharmaceuticals to be released so that seems like our only and best option when the doc prescribes it to us.  (Read my book A Dose of Reality to hear more on this topic)  I think it is personal responsibility to take the drugs or not.  But dad gum, if your whole freakin' family is on drugs then it just seems normal.
The government wasn't meant to sustain us.  There is no where in the Bible where God directs the government to take care of the poor.  It is the church's responsibility.  In Proverbs it does say that a king is wise to consider the station of the poor and defend them...but it isn't the governments place.  That's why its not working.  However, people aren't giving to the church so the church itself no longer has a store house to poor out of.
The governments place is to protect us as we live out our lives in freedom and pursuit of happiness!!
I hope that there will be a turn around for this big ship, but I'm afraid like the Titanic, a big ship and a small rudder heading straight for the proverbial ice burg. We are the Paris Hilton of nations and it will be a hard fall.
May God be with you!

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